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Explore Top Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon in Madrid

The Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon is a groundbreaking, non-surgical weight loss option. It’s designed for those looking to shed extra pounds without going under the knife. It’s a quick, safe, and effective solution for jumpstarting weight loss, helping patients achieve results with minimal disruption to their daily lives.

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    Spain, Madrid

    Dr. Lopez-Nava

    Obesity Dr. Lopez-Nava addresses the problem of overweight and obesity through comprehensive treatment, advised and monitored by top specialists. Our clinic offers advanced procedures such as the gastric balloon, Apollo Method, and Pose Method to help patients achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health. The gastric balloon is a non-surgical option that promotes fullness and reduces food intake. ThePose Method and Pose Method are minimally invasive endoscopic techniques that effectively reduce stomach size and aid in long-term weight management. At Obesity López-Nava, we are dedicated to providing personalized care and support throughout the weight loss journey, ensuring optimal results and improved quality of life for our patients.

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon in Madrid

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top elipse swallowable gastric balloon in madrid

  • How long does the balloon stay in the stomach?

    It stays for approximately 16 weeks (4 months) before naturally deflating and passing through the digestive system.

  • What is the expected weight loss after elipse swallowable gastric balloon?

    Most patients lose 10-15% of their body weight.

  • Can you fly with an Elipse Balloon?

    Yes, you can fly with an Elipse Balloon, as it does not interfere with air travel. However, always consult your doctor before traveling to ensure you’re comfortable and safe.

  • Can I drink alcohol with the Allurion Balloon?

    It is not recommended to drink alcohol with the Allurion Balloon, as it’s high in calories and can hinder your weight loss progress. If you do choose to drink, keep it to a minimum.

  • How long does the balloon stay in the stomach?

    It stays for approximately 16 weeks (4 months) before naturally deflating and passing through the digestive system.

Explore Top Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon in Madrid