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Explore Top Clinics in Granada for Gastric Balloon

The Gastric Balloon procedure is a non-surgical, temporary weight loss treatment, involving the placement of a saline-filled balloon in the stomach to promote a feeling of fullness and reduce food intake

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    At Salus Medical Clinic in Granada, we specialize in treating severe and morbid obesity through advanced bariatric and obesity surgery procedures. Our experienced team offers a range of treatments, including gastric sleeve, gastric band, gastric balloon, and intragastric balloon procedures. We are dedicated to helping patients achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health. With a personalized approach and cutting-edge techniques, Salus Medical Clinic provides comprehensive care and support throughout your weight loss journey. Trust us for safe, effective, and transformative bariatric solutions tailored to your unique needs.

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Clinics in Granada for Gastric Balloon

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top clinics in granada for gastric balloon

  • Is gastric balloon safe?

    Yes, according to healthcare professionals, it is generally safe. However, it is important to discuss potential risks with a healthcare provider.

  • How much is a gastric balloon in the UK?

    The cost of a gastric balloon in the UK typically ranges from €3,500 to €5,000, depending on the clinic and specific package options.

  • Does gastric balloon work?

    Yes, the gastric balloon helps reduce appetite, leading to weight loss when combined with diet and lifestyle changes.

  • Can I get gastric balloon on NHS?

    Gastric balloons are not usually available on the NHS, except in very specific cases where other weight loss options have failed, and the patient meets strict criteria.

  • Can I eat normally with a gastric balloon?

    You’ll need to follow a special diet and eat smaller portions to avoid discomfort.

  • Who is eligible for a gastric balloon?

    People with a BMI of 27 or higher, who haven’t succeeded with diet and exercise alone.

Explore Top Clinics in Granada for Gastric Balloon