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Explore Top Clinics in Sydney for Biliopancreatic Diversion

The Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD) is a unique type of weight loss surgery designed for those seeking significant and long-lasting results. BPD reduces stomach size and reroutes food past most of the small intestine. It’s a powerful option, offering life-changing benefits for patients who need more than just a typical weight loss solution.

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    Get gastric sleeve surgery for $6,900 with insurance or $18,900 self-funded. We offer gastric band conversion to gastric sleeve or bypass in a single operation. Our highly specialized Laparoscopic and Robotic surgery team excels in all aspects of bariatric surgery including gastric plication, revision surgery, and more. We also provide professional body contouring surgery to remove excess skin and fat, restoring your hourglass shape, and offer other services like botulinic toxin injections. Additionally, we have extensive experience in laparoscopic/robotic surgery for gallbladder, hernia, reflux, and bowel surgery for patients of all ages and weights.

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Clinics in Sydney for Biliopancreatic Diversion

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top clinics in sydney for biliopancreatic diversion

  • What does biliopancreatic diversion entail?

    Biliopancreatic Diversion involves reducing the size of the stomach and bypassing a large portion of the small intestine. Thus, this surgery significantly decreases food intake and nutrient absorption.  

  • Is biliopancreatic diversion reversible?

    Biliopancreatic Diversion is typically permanent and hard to reverse, as it may not fully restore normal function. Be aware of its lasting effects.

  • Does biliopancreatic diversion cause dumping syndrome?

    Yes, it can cause dumping syndrome, leading to nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and dizziness, especially after eating sugary or fatty foods.

  • Is biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch safe?

    Yes, it’s safe with an experienced surgeon, but it has higher risks due to its complexity.

  • How much weight can I lose with BPD?

    Patients typically lose 60-70% of their excess body weight over 10 years after surgery.

Explore Top Clinics in Sydney for Biliopancreatic Diversion