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Explore Top Dentists & Dentistry Clinics in Singapore

Dentistry is a field of medicine dedicated to keeping your smile healthy and vibrant. It focuses on the health and treatment of the teeth, gums, and jaws. Dentists diagnose and treat dental diseases and injuries, and perform procedures to improve oral health, function, and appearance. From repairing cavities and straightening teeth to keeping your smile bright, dentistry addresses all your oral health needs.

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    Smileworks Endodontic Lounge is a specialist clinic dedicated to root canal treatments and dental trauma management. With a team of highly trained specialists and dental nurses, we handle even the most complex cases with expertise and precision. Our clinic is fully equipped with digital technology to ensure a comfortable and efficient treatment experience for every patient.Our services include root canal treatment, root canal retreatment, apicectomy (root canal microsurgery), intentional replantation, as well as management of cracked teeth, dental trauma, and non-vital bleaching for discolored root canal-treated teeth. At Smileworks, we provide comprehensive care to help maintain and restore your dental health.

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Explore Top Dentists & Dentistry Clinics in Singapore