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Explore Ear Nose and Throat in Germany

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) diagnoses and treats diseases related to ear, nose and throat, and areas of head and neck. Doctors choose specializing in this field called ENT Specialists. They help people with wide range of medical conditions from ear infections to throat diseases. ENT specialists also perfom aesthetic surgeries to enchance both function and the look of the nose, ears and face.

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    Germany, Munich

    MD. Thomas Hundt

    1984-1990 / studied medicine in Göttingen, Germany, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and under Prof Dr Ivo Pitanguy and at the Grote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. 1991-1996 / completed medical specialization training and earned a doctorate at the ENT Centre of Göttingen University. 1996-1999 / worked as a consultant in the ENT department at the Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany and earned additional qualifications in plastic surgery. 2000 / opened own practices in Munich, Germany and Switzerland.

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Explore Ear Nose and Throat in Germany