
Top Rated General Practice Clinics in Belgium

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  • Belgium
    Brussels, Belgium

    CHU Brugmann

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General Practice

Discover Brussels's Hidden Health Tourism Gems

Discover cutting-edge medical treatments and combine it with luxurious accommodations in the vibrant city of Brussels - the ultimate destination for health tourism.

Natural Childbirth (Obstetrics/Gynaecology)

Natural childbirth is a method of childbirth that avoids the use of medical interventions, such as epidurals, inductions, and cesarean sections.

Urine Test

A urine test, also known as a urinalysis, is a diagnostic tool used to analyze the chemical and physical properties of a person's urine.

Blooming Bunnies: Navigating Easter with Pollen Allergies

Ah, Easter! A time for chocolate bunnies, pastel colors, and... itchy eyes? Yes, we trade winter chills for sunshine, but those happy little flowers unleash a pollen attack. But no worries, fellow allergy warriors! Before you barricade yourself indoors, let's explore some tips to navigate Easter season. With a bit less sniffling and a lot more celebrating!

Give Blood, Give Life: World Blood Donor Day

Every year, millions of lives are saved and transformed thanks to the simple act of blood donation. On World Blood Donor Day, we celebrate the selfless individuals who roll up their sleeves and give the gift of life.

Beyond Red: World Sickle Cell Day

World Sickle Cell Day, observed on June 19th, raises awareness about sickle cell disease (SCD). This day highlights the impact of SCD on individuals and families worldwide. Join us in spreading knowledge, understanding, and support for those affected by this condition.