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Explore Top Sleep Apnea in Cyprus

Sleep apnea, a silent thief of restful sleep, is a serious health condition affecting millions worldwide. More than just a nuisance, it can lead to a host of problems, from heart disease and stroke to cognitive impairment and depression.

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    Cyprus, Famagusta

    MediPark Clinic

    Medipark Clinic, located in Famagusta, North Cyprus, specializes in treating a diverse range of ear, nose, throat, head, and neck conditions. Our expert team provides both surgical and conservative treatments for patients of all ages, addressing issues such as allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal polyps, and recurrent tonsillitis. We also offer solutions for hearing and balance problems, ear canal infections, ear drum perforations, and foreign body removal from the ear, nose, or throat.At Medipark Clinic, we perform a variety of procedures, including nose and face aesthetics, eardrum repairs, adenoid and tonsil surgeries in children, ear microsurgery, and microsurgery for voice disorders. We also specialize in snoring and obstructive sleep apnea surgeries, chronic middle ear infection surgeries, and prosthesis applications for ear bone issues.Additionally, our clinic is equipped to handle head and neck tumors, including cancers of the larynx, intraoral region, neck, and salivary glands. For comprehensive care and expert treatment of ear, nose, throat, head, and neck conditions, trust Medipark Clinic.   

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