
Top Rated Fertility Clinics in Russia

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Discover Pettersburg's Hottest Spots

Discover cutting-edge medical treatments and combine it with luxurious accommodations in the vibrant city of Pettersburg - the ultimate destination for health tourism.

Travel to Moscow for Treatment

Discover cutting-edge medical treatments and combine it with luxurious accommodations in the vibrant city of Moscow - the ultimate destination for health tourism.

Blastocyst Transfer

Blastocyst transfer is a fertility treatment used during in vitro fertilization (IVF) where an embryo is allowed to develop for five to six days after fertilization, and then transferred to the woman's uterus

IMSI - Intracytoplasmic Morphologically - Selected Sperm Injection

Selected Sperm Injection (SSI) is an advanced assisted reproductive technique that is used to increase the chances of fertilization in couples struggling with male factor infertility

Egg Donation

Egg donation is a process where a woman donates her eggs to another woman who is unable to produce viable eggs

AI Artificial Insemination Tube: 6 Choices

Thinking about artificial insemination (AI)? You're not alone! AI is a popular and effective way to build your family. But with so many options, choosing the right AI tube can feel overwhelming. Fear not, future parents! This guide will be your roadmap to navigating the exciting world of AI tubes.